

by Humble Nature

The Passage collection of interior doors presents a current perspective on this aspect of design. Through the clever fusion of aesthetic appeal and practicality, the Passage range elevates a mundane door into an exquisite and everlasting architectural element. With its utilization of eco-friendly and airy panels, the Passage door boasts anti-torsion properties and the potential for versatile design. The panels themselves are crafted from honeycomb cardboard cells coated in recycled wood panels, and their edges are fortified to ensure steadfastness, resilience, and tensile strength. All materials come from North America, manufacturing is done entirely in Quebec, in our workshops in Montérégie and Estrie. The plating is certified TSCA Title VI & CARB. The range offers a broad array of finishes, designs, and dimensions, enabling the creation of a nearly made-to-measure interior door.